St Lawrence

A warm welcome awaits you at St Lawrence! We are a village church which aims to cater for all ages, backgrounds and stages on the journey of faith. We have services specially for families with very young children, we run courses for those wanting to explore what Christianity means and we run regular social and fund raising events at which we have a lot of fun.  There are always refreshments after services and time to chat. Drop in and see for yourself.

The parish of Bovingdon is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies. 

Get in touch


St Lawrence Vicarage
10 Church Street

07756 562722
Reverend Charles Burch
01442 833298

Our website

What's on

Family Praise at 9.30am

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 30 mins
St Lawrence
Church Street Bovingdon Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0LU, United Kingdom

A 30 minute service for families with children under 11, with craft activities, music and and an interactive talk. We sit informally in a semi circle around the screen with the children on a rug in front of us. Followed by refreshments and time to chat.

Every Sunday except the first of the month

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Patience brochure Apr 2024.pdf

We have launched our fundraising campaign for our ‘Patience’ Extension and reordering project. Full details on our website.
