Sunday morning sung Eucharist

Every First, Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

Our regular Sunday morning service, with refreshments afterwards – do join us!

Children's Praise

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

Refreshments followed by a very informal and fun service of about 30 minutes with the Children's Praise band and a Christian story for young children.

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Wednesday Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

Our regular Wednesday morning service – do join us!

Warm Welcome Space

Every Wednesday at for 4 hours
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

Come and join us for a chat and a snack, every Wednesday, any time between 10:00am and 2:00pm. IT support also available!

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Knit, Stitch & Sew

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

The group meets from 10.00am till 12 noon every Wednesday in the Vicar’s Room, 3 The Cloisters (across the road from the church). We welcome all levels of competence! Tea, coffee, biscuits (and sometimes cake!) is served and we just ask for a £2 contribution towards costs.

For more information, contact Clare Fleck (07717 270890).

Friends of Holy Saviour Church "Talk and Tea"

for 2 hours
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

The Friends organise fund-raising events, the best-known of which are the popular "Talk and Tea" events. The next is on Sunday 9 March at 3:00pm in Holy Saviour Church:

"The Pen is Mightier...." the Literature & Life of Edward Bulwer Lytton of Knebworth House, Hertfordshire's greatest writer.An illustrated talk by Gavin Budge (former Senior Lecturer at University of Hertfordshire) and Clare Fleck (former Archivist at Knebworth House).
Edward Bulwer Lytton, author of that famous phrase, "The pen is mightier than the sword", was not only a dominant figure in 19th century literature but also transformed his ancestral home, Knebworth House, into the Gothic fantasy that survives to this day. This talk will shed light on both public and private sides of his work and life.

Admission £12 (Friends £10) on the door.
Do come – all are welcome!

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Balti Buddies

Monthly. Every Second Friday at for 2 hours
Paprika Restaurant
Paprika Restaurant, 27 Nightingale Road Hitchin, SG5 1QU

Balti Buddies, is particularly (but not exclusively!) for the guys who can’t make it to Bacon Buddies on a Saturday morning, and takes place on the second Friday of every month at 8.00pm. So if you fancy some male bonding over a plate of curry and a glass of Cobra, do join us at the Paprika Restaurant (27 Nightingale Road, near the junction with Verulam Road).
If you’d like to come, please let Brian know in good time – 01462 422762 – so we can book the right size table.

Grace, Love & Fellowship

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Holy Saviour, Hitchin
Radcliffe Road Hitchin, SG5 1QG, United Kingdom

An all-age fresh Expression of the Eucharist – a service for all the family, with refreshments afterwards!

Bacon Buddies

Monthly. Every Last Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Hitchin Cafe
Hitchin Cafe, 70 Hermitage Road Hitchin., SG5 1DB

*Bacon Buddies takes place on the last Saturday of every month, and has been voted a great success by those who come. So if you fancy some male bonding over breakfast and melamine tables, do join us at the Hitchin Cafe, Hermitage Road, on the last Saturday from 8.30am to 10.00am. Further info from Brian – 01462 422762.

* vegetarian options available if pork isn’t your thing!