Hitchin Christmas Tree Festival

Held every year since 1997 in Holy Saviour Church during the second weekend in December, the Hitchin Christmas Tree Festival is believed to be the oldest established Christmas Tree Festival in Britain.

Around 50 trees are displayed, each decorated by an individual, school, family, local group or business to illustrate a theme of their choice. The effect in this beautiful Butterfield church is magical. Live music is featured throughout the weekend, and hot and cold lunches and teas are served in the adjacent hall. We expect to welcome over 2,000 visitors over the Festival weekend.

The Festival’s aims are to welcome visitors to Holy Saviour Church, delight them with the beauty and variety of the trees on display, entertain them with music and refresh them with delicious food and drink, also to raise money for church maintenance and outreach.

In 2020, the year of COVID-19, the Christmas Tree Festival moved from Holy Saviour Church to shop windows throughout the town centre. Retailers and businesses welcomed the opportunity to offer window-space for an exhibitor’s tree or decorate one themselves. There were around 60 decorated and illuminated trees and other festive displays on show all around the town! A Trail Guide, listing the trees and mapping their locations, was published and many families took the opportunity to follow the trail and celebrate the spirit of the Festival.

In 2021, the Christmas Tree Festival successfully returned to Holy Saviour Church.

Would you like to take part or decorate a tree? If so please let us know through our Contact page.

For current information, visit our dedicated Facebook page.