Related Churches
Tring: St Peter & St Paul
God loves you. Whatever your age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability, job, financial or social status, God loves you. We are God’s church, and we welcome you.
Tring Church is a large and lively community fortunate enough to meet in a magnificent medieval building. We have around about 250 members and on a normal Sunday will have between 120 and 200 people coming along to the various services. We are a community of all ages from new borns to 100 year olds with everyone in between. On the second Sunday of each month we have a Worship for All service. This is slightly shorter and aimed at people of all ages. On the fourth Sunday of the month our communion service is also more all age appropriate. On the first, third and fifth Sundays we have Sunday Club as part of the service, the 0-11yr olds go upstairs for age related activities.
One of the most important things about St Peter and St Paul’s is that it is open every day. This open-ness is more than being a church which is physically open. It is our whole mindset – we are open to God and to questions about God. We take seriously that God is working in the lives of all people and none of us has all of the answers but together we paint a picture of God. Our early morning community is largely BCP based, we have a thriving Worship for All once a month, with music led by a worship group, and our regular 10 am service is Holy Communion with a robed choir.
Aldbury: St John the Baptist
St John the Baptist Church is part of the village community here in the picturesque village of Aldbury. We enjoy a good working relationship with the Church of England primary school next door - you can see their artwork displayed in the church. The church is open for prayer - or simply a break from your walk!
All are welcome to services which are held every Sunday at 10am, this is usually a communion service, with the first Sunday of the month service being more participative and informal.
Long Marston: All Saints
All Saints Church welcomes all ages although the congregation is generally on the younger side. We have close links with the Church of England primary school and regular assemblies are held. The main service is either 10am or 6pm service with a mixture of liturgies and are flexible in style to suit the congregation.
Wilstone: St Cross
We are now open for services and private prayer following CofE Covid-19 guidance. Please see our Services and Events page more details.
A warm welcome awaits at this lovely church in the heart of the village in Wilstone near Tring. The congregation are enthusiastic in looking after the church and welcome all ages. The main service of the week is at 10.00am and is a mixture through the month of Holy Communion common worship, All Age Worship and Sunday Worship.
When Covid restrictions are relaxed, hospitality is important and there are harvest lunches, strawberry teas, Lent Lunches and other social occasions held throughout the year. A weekly coffee morning is held on Tuesdays at 10.30am. once we are allowed to start up again.
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