All Saints' Church, Berkhamsted

A warm welcome!

All Saints' is a family church which draws on a variety of traditions in its worship. We recognise that we are all on a journey together, seeking to be in a closer relationship with Jesus Christ in all that we do.

Why not join us on that journey, and discover the amazing love that God has for each one of us.

We look forward to welcoming you to All Saints'.

Our safeguarding policy can be found from the link at the foot of our website homepage.

Get in touch

The Revd Rachael Hawkins

32 Finch Road
Herts HP4 3LQ

Methodist Minister
(01442) 866324

Our website

What's on

Holy Communion or Morning Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Church, Berkhamsted
Shrublands Road Berkhamsted, HP4 3HY, United Kingdom

The service will be either Holy Communion or Morning Worship. Which it is of these alternatives is shown on the services/events calendar on our website.


All Saints’ Church, Berkhamsted is an Anglican/Methodist LEP. For the purposes of Safeguarding, the Church Council has decided to follow the policies and procedures of the Methodist Church. The policy is taken from the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church and is based on upon their model Church Safeguarding Policy.
All Saints’ Church is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults and affirms that the needs of any people when they are vulnerable and at risk are paramount.
All Saints’ Church recognises that it has a particular care for all who are vulnerable whether by disabilities or by reduction in capacities or by their situation. It is recognised that this increased vulnerability may be temporary or permanent and may be visible or invisible, but that it does not diminish our humanity and seeks to affirm the gifts and graces of all God’s people.

The full policy can be found at the foot of the homepage on our website: .

All Saints' Church, Berkhamsted Charity No. 1153162