Baptisms and Christenings

Baptism (also known as ‘Christening’) is a public act of worship in which we decide to follow Jesus Christ. It is a fresh start and a turning point in our lives, the beginning of a journey. Baptism is a gift and sign of God’s love and acceptance. It is our welcome into the local and worldwide church, the family of God. Words are spoken, prayers are said, and promises are made. Water, oil and light are used as powerful symbols that speak to us of God’s cleansing, soothing, protecting and inclusive love. The congregation join us in the chance to renew their own Baptismal faith. The whole atmosphere is full of love, joy, warmth and peace. Baptism is open to anyone of any age, it is never too early or too late to be baptised! Infants and young children who are too young to choose for themselves will, however, need three or at most four Godparents who can speak for them.

The doors is open to all comers. Anyone living in the Parish can request a Baptism at any one of our four churches.

For further information, please contact Revd Louise Collins

[email protected]

baptism, PDF
