Friends of Bristol Cathedral Coffee Morning with Dr Penny Starns
- Occurring
- for 1 hour, 30 mins
- Venue
- Bristol Cathedral
- Address College Green Bristol, BS1 5TJ, United Kingdom
Join us for our next Friends of Bristol Cathedral Coffee Morning, where we will welcome Dr Penny Starns, an award-winning historian, BBC Radio 4 writer, and author of 14 books, including Blitz Families and Blitz Hospitals.
Bristol During the Second World War: The Crucial Role of Bristol Cathedral and Diocese
During the Second World War, Bristol was designated a “neutral zone,” meaning it neither evacuated its citizens nor officially received evacuees. This led to devastating consequences, leaving Bristolians to organise their own civil defence. Dr Starns will explore the crucial role that Bristol Cathedral and the Diocese played in providing shelter, leadership, and hope during the Blitz.
This event is free for Friends of Bristol Cathedral and guests are welcome to join us, tickets £5
Please confirm your attendance by completing the form and emailing it to The Revd Rachel Barrett by Friday 21 February.
email: [email protected]