Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 15 mins
Bristol Cathedral
College Green Bristol, BS1 5TJ, United Kingdom

Our service of Morning Prayer is live-streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, from the home of one of our clergy.

Choral Evensong

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at for 1 hour
Bristol Cathedral
College Green Bristol, BS1 5TJ, United Kingdom

You are welcome to join us for Choral Evensong which takes place nearly every day.

The jewel in the English choral tradition, the words of this service are largely unchanged in 500 years, but there has been a wealth of music composed for those words over the centuries.

Evensong at Bristol Cathedral includes anything from music composed in the 16th century, to music composed last year. The service lasts approximately 40 minutes (one hour on Sunday, to include a sermon, and additional hymn) and is the perfect way to end your day.

All are welcome.