Service of the Word with Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

Sung worship, bible teaching, prayer, and holy communion including programmes for children and young people.

Informal Worship

Every Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

Twice a month. Every third and fourth Sunday for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Our Sunday services are how we come together in community to worship the God who made us. We often share communion together.

Through song, bible teaching, prayer and time together, we seek to become people who live for Jesus in Weston. 

This service is especially suitable for those who prefer a more informal style of worship. The songs and hymns are usually accompanied by guitar or keyboard. We run Trinity Kids ministry groups during the bible teaching, but children are always welcome to stay in the service.

The service is followed by a time of fellowship in the church centre with cakes, pastries and refreshments.

Monday Group

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Colin and Jill’s place
Colin and Jill’s place, 113 Archery Grove Woolston Southampton, SO19 9ET, United Kingdom

Join us for coffee, cake & conversations about the Christian faith and life's big questions.

We start with a catch-up, then take look at the bible, chat about it, and then pray together. Sessions vary in subject matter and sometimes include video teaching.

This evening group is open to people who are known to its leaders, and is especially suitable for older people and those who are busy during the day.

It is led by Colin and Jill Day.

Weston Marketplace

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

A weekly café and community food membership scheme for local people to buy affordable, fresh, healthy food in a friendly environment.

For a weekly £5 membership subscription, Marketplace members can use the members café, chat to members and volunteers, talk to any visiting advice agencies, and choose around 13 items from the fridges, freezers, fresh fruit and veg, bakery, tinned and dry food products and toiletries.

There's a waiting list for the Marketplace shop but anyone is welcome to drop in for great coffee and a slice of cake!

If you'd like to join the waiting list just pop in for a chat.

We only close if Marketplace falls on - or very close to - a major holiday like Christmas or Easter.

Wednesday Group

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 2 hours
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

Coffee, cake & interactive conversations about the Christian faith and life's big questions.
Sessions usually include video teaching, group discussion, personal reflection, and prayer.

This morning group is open to all, and is especially suitable for people who are busy in the evenings.

This groups meets fortnightly.

Pray First (Evening)

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

We start the month in prayer for each other, our community and the wider world.

The evening meeting open to church members and is led by Wale.

Litter Pick

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
The parish of Weston
The parish of Weston, United Kingdom

A monthly litter pick in and around the parish of Weston, which is supported by Southampton City Council. Join a dedicated team of litter pickers who love where they live. All of the necessary equipment is supplied, but you'll need to wear suitable clothes, gloves and a good pair of shoes. All welcome!

We meet at the church building at 9:30 a.m.

Messy Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

Messy Church is a creative, interactive way of being church for families which enables people to encounter Jesus in a relaxed space.

Messy Church is suitable for families with children of pre-school and primary school age.

It's fun! Like a monthly party with games, crafts, music, laughter and a shared meal.

It's all-age. Everything is relevant and accessible to all. Children learn from adults and adults learn from children.

It's messy! Creativity runs through all that happens. It's a place where everyone gets to play!

It's church! Jesus is at the heart of everything that happens. This includes hearing about him and talking about him.

Messy Church is led by Carolyn.

All Age Worship

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity Weston
Weston Lane Southampton, SO19 9HG, United Kingdom

A time of worship when the whole church family can learn from each other and grow together. Children and adults stay together for the whole service.

The services are informal, interactive, and conversational. We try to make everything relevant and accessible to all.

Biblical truth is at the heart of everything that happens. This includes hearing about Jesus, talking about Jesus and talking to Jesus!