Reflective Space

Every day at for 4 hours
St Andrew's, South Warnborough
Alton Road South Warnborough Hook Hampshire, RG291RS, United Kingdom

Display of the art and inspiration of Seiger Köder, with reflections by Gemma Simmonds. Free entry. A space and time to be quiet and reflect during Holy Week

Sunday 24th March 1.30-4pm, Good Friday 10-1.30, other days 10-4pm

St Andrew's, South Warnborough

We are a small, friendly village church in a peaceful rural setting. We work together with our sister church All Saints Long Sutton and weekly communion services are held 10am, alternating between the two churches. Services are followed by coffee and a time to chat. Children are welcome at all services.

On the first Sunday of every month at 11am we hold is an informal worship service suitable for all ages, with childrens activities organised in our adjoining heritage room.

 A toddler and parent group meets here on alternate Tuesday mornings (contact [email protected] for times and details)  and  there is a Sunday School at All Saints Long Sutton. Our benefice youth worker organises events for older children

We are part of a network of 12 rural village churches, called the ‘More to Life Church’

For details of the times and dates of our church services, along with information about courses and special events see the calendar page. Or visit our benefice website at and go to the ‘What’s on’ calendar page.

Get in touch

Rev’d Gillian Wilton

St Andrews Church
Alton Road
South Warnborough

RG29 1RS
01256 437441
Church office
O1256 703971

Our website

What's on

Reflective Space

Every day at for 4 hours
St Andrew's, South Warnborough
Alton Road South Warnborough Hook Hampshire, RG291RS, United Kingdom

Display of the art and inspiration of Seiger Köder, with reflections by Gemma Simmonds. Free entry. A space and time to be quiet and reflect during Holy Week

Sunday 24th March 1.30-4pm, Good Friday 10-1.30, other days 10-4pm


North Hampshire Downs Benefice (our Network of Churches) takes the protection of children and young people and vulnerable adults very seriously.

What should I do if I have concerns about the safety of a child?
If there is an immediate risk - Phone the police on 999 immediately.

What if I am not sure and need to talk it through?
You can contact our vicar at [email protected] or the Church Office on 01256 703791 or email [email protected].

You can ring the Diocesan Safeguarding Manager Jackie Rowlands on 01962 737317 (24 hour line)

You can contact the NSPCC 24 hour help line by phoning 0808 800 5000, by texting 88858, or by emailing [email protected] . You can remain anonymous if wished.

To report abuse or suspected child abuse contact Hampshire police on 101, Hampshire Social services on 0845 603 5620. (8.30am to 5pm) or 0845 600 4555 out of hours.

For children and young people.

What if someone is doing something to me that is making me feel uncomfortable?

You can contact any of the people or organisations above, or ring ChildLine on 0800 1111