Youth Cafe

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St. Peter's Church Hall
St. Peter's Church Hall, Hay Way Rushden

The Youth Cafe meets at St. Peters Catholic Church in the Church Hall on Hayway, Rushden every Tuesday after school from 3.15pm until 4.30pm for school years 7-13. It is a free event. Come and chill out with your friends.

Retireds' Group

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Rushden: Whitefriars
Boughton Drive Rushden, NN10 9HX, United Kingdom

We meet on the first Friday of each month. We enjoy listening to a short reflection followed by a main speaker, game or craft. We all enjoy tea and cakes. All retired people are Welcome.

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Every Sunday at for 2 hours
Rushden: Whitefriars
Boughton Drive Rushden, NN10 9HX, United Kingdom

Ignite is a Youth Group meeting term time in the Bridge from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on a Sunday evening. This group is for children from years 7 to 13. This is a discipleship group for children who want to explore faith, learn about the bible and deepen their personal relationship with God. All welcome.

Stepping out Communities 2nd Sunday each month at 10.15am

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 2 hours
various locations
various locations

On the 2nd Sunday each month Whitefriars Church does not have a traditional morning service. Instead they meet in different locations for four Stepping Out activities . The Countryside walkers are meeting to do a short walk, Silver Service meets in the Bridge, Books and More meet in the Coffee Barn in Higham Ferrers, Coffee and Encounters are meeting in the Salvation Army Cafe located on Church Street, Rushden. Please see our website for more details All welcome to come and join us.


Every Fourth Friday at for 2 hours, 15 mins
Rushden: Whitefriars
Boughton Drive Rushden, NN10 9HX, United Kingdom

Sparklers is a term time pre-school toddler group. They meet in the Bridge every Friday from 9am to 11.15am. This is a warm friendly group of mums, dads, grandparents or carers of pre-school children from birth upwards. Toys, singing, stories and crafts. All welcome.