Children's and youth groups

Every Thursday and Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

We have a selection of regular groups for different ages mainly on Thursdays and Fridays. These include Rock Solid, Youth Group, Cornerstone and Hub. For more details of what we are offering for those that will make up the 'church of tomorrow' visit our church website -

Please check out the church website for more details as different groups meet at different times and some groups do not meet every week!

Life Groups

Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

Life Groups are small groups of people meeting together to have fun, worship, read the bible, pray and grow with God. They are well supported and play an important role in terms of fellowship, learning and outreach. It is through our Life Groups that we care for one another and grow in our faith. It is hoped that most members of the church would be linked to a Life Group. There are several groups that meet throughout the week. Look on the church website for more details

Check on the church website for more details as not all groups meet at 7:30pm!!!

Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

It is our hope that people would feel free to worship in whatever way they can for the glory of God at All Saints, Belton. We have different worship bands for different occasions and a great deal going on in the church, both behind the scenes and up-front, that people can take part in.

Each Sunday (except when it's Café Church when we all worship and learn together in fun, practical ways) there is a group for children. There is also an area at the back of church with sofas and a rug where the very small children have space to crawl/toddle around and learn about Bible stories with our story sacks! All our services end with coffee/tea/squash and most also involve cake too!! (We love our cake!!!)

Young at Heart

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

Young at Heart is an active group of about 30 women and men ranging from the ages of approximately 50 to mid-nineties. We try to make all events as accessible for every member who wishes to take part, by providing lifts and support where necessary. We have no fee, but most people put in a voluntary contribution to help with costs, and often we find that we can subsidise trips quite substantially. There isn't space to describe everything we do here so click on more information to see more on our website!

Traditional Holy Communion

Every First Tuesday at for 1 hour
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

Join with us on the first Tuesday of the month for a more traditional style communion service. The church opens at 10am for a chance for coffee, cake (again) and a natter before the service starts at 11am.

Messy Church

Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

Usually the first Wednesday of every month starting at 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. As the name suggests it is a messy church; a style of service which begins with a shared meal and where adults and children, currently aged between 0 – 13 years, can discover the bible through crafts and activities. We meet at church where there is parking available. The children are always asking "When is the next Messy Church?" Click 'more information' to go to our website to see what we've been up to!!

We don't meet during August.

Evening Celebration

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Belton: All Saints
Church Lane, Belton Belton Norwich, NR31 9LD, United Kingdom

A time to engage with God and meet in the power of the Holy Spirit, We meet at 6:30 pm every second Sunday in the month with a variety of speakers. There is a time of worship followed by teaching and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. We finish with coffee and cake and a time to chat. (We love cake!)

Every month except August.