Related Churches
St John the Evangelist, Hurst Green, Surrey
Crowhurst, St George
Tandridge, St Peter
St Peter's is the only worship centre in the Tandridge village community. It was of some importance particularly in Anglo-Saxon times in giving its name to one of the thirteen Hundred districts into which Surrey was divided. It is popular with walkers who find it featured in most walking guides to the area particularly as it has the second largest Yew tree in UK.
Family services number about 30+ and steadily growing. Services begin at 11:00am for about 45 minutes. We welcome everyone, particularly those who may not have visited a church for some time and would like to return again and not feel 'out of place'. Refreshments are available after the service.We also have a popular weekly evensong service. Although we do not have a choir, St. Mary's Reigate Choir school Choristers and Lay Clerks sing termly at this service, a full Cathedral Evensong.
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