Evening Prayer in Traditional Language

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
St John the Baptist, Cockayne Hatley
Cockayne Hatley near Sandy Bedfordshire, SG19 2EA, United Kingdom

This service is much loved in the Church of England. It’s a service that began its development in the 16th century but actually has ties to much early forms of worship in monasteries. It uses traditional language and through its regular rhythm is a time of prayer and reflection.

Because of our Patronal Festival in June, the next service of Evening Prayer will be on 28 July 2024.

Holy Communion in Traditional Lanuage

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
St John the Baptist, Cockayne Hatley
Cockayne Hatley near Sandy Bedfordshire, SG19 2EA, United Kingdom

On the second Sunday we have a service of Holy Communion. This is also sometimes called a Eucharist. Here we share bread and wine to both remember Jesus’s saving actions and in a deep and mysterious way be attached to him as well as connected to each other. The service includes readings from the Bible, times of prayer, a reflection or sermon. Its done in traditional language and it is in fact an older form of service first developed in the 16th century called the Book of Common Prayer. People value it for its connection to our past and particularly for its beautiful language. We love this service with its reverence and holiness, but also as an opportunity to be together with God.

The next service of Holy Communion will be on Sunday 11 August at 9 am.

Red Kite concert

for 1 hour
St John the Baptist, Cockayne Hatley
Cockayne Hatley near Sandy Bedfordshire, SG19 2EA, United Kingdom

On Sunday 1 September, we have the latest concert of the year given by Red Kite Concerts. The music is different each time but always of very high standard, with performers who enjoy an international reputation. For this latest concert we welcome back Jordan Ashman, winner of the BBC Young Musician 2022, in a programme of works for marimba, vibraphone and mixed percussion. This remarkable young man performed for us in September 2023 and so we know that it will be an amazing display of musicianship and invention.

All the concerts this year begin at 5 pm and last for about one hour. The last concert of this year will be held on 3 November. Tickets cost £18 (there is no charge for under-18s) and can be obtained at www.RedKiteConcerts.com (follow the link in More Info, below).