We would love to be part of your big day.
A church wedding is wonderful and has advantages
A church wedding adds a spiritual dimension to your marriage. The ceremony includes God and looks to him for help and guidance. God’s blessing is the main attraction for many couples, whatever their beliefs.
A priest has a very particular role to play in your wedding, and it can be made personal, memorable, meaningful and beautiful. Contact the Rector to talk more.
Church buildings offer centuries of history. Imagine all the couples who have married in your local church, some of whom may well be your family. You can feel you’re becoming part of history itself, the bigger plan, by marrying in the same place as your relatives. We know these sorts of connections can make your day even more special.
For some people, a church simply seems like the proper place to get married. Churches can be described as ‘peaceful’, ‘serene’, or having an atmosphere that makes marrying there a particularly special experience.
After your wedding, you’ll realise that a church is more than simply a wedding venue but a spiritual home that will be in your hearts for ever.
So how do you book?!
Please contact our bookings officer at to get your date and begin the paperwork. He she will identify your ‘qualifying connection’ to the church (which is much easier then it sounds!), check your IDs and take some important information.
Then at some point near the start of the year you will be invited to a Wedding Preparation Afternoon at St. Marys Hall. Here we’ll go through the choices you have regarding your service and possibly reflect on Mariage more generally. Plus there should be some delicious cake as well as tea and coffee.
We hope to hear from you soon!
See here for more help with planning your wedding: