6th Romsey (Lockerley) Scout group are looking for more young people and adult volunteers to join their Beaver Colony and Cub Pack. If you have a young person between the ages of 6 to 10 who would like to join, and you (or someone you know) can stay and help at the sessions, please get in touch.
Messy Church will meet in Wellow Village Hall on the 4th Sunday of the month, 4pm-5.30pm. There will be crafts, singing, making, stories and praying. We will learn all about Jesus and get excited about how much we are loved by God. We will learn how to live a good life that shines love into the world. We will also eat a light meal together ... yes, even the grow ups. Contact Revd Sara-Jane with any special food requirements or allergies we need to be aware of (revsj@btinternet.com).EVERYONE is welcome!