Our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, from Stephanie's editorial and various articles as we look forward to Christmas, lots of information about our Christmas services and plenty for our younger readers to enjoy. There are lots of other opportunities and dates for your diary, Especially Messy Church and Lego Breakfast. Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!
A chance to find some space, quiet, friendship, local knowledge and refreshments.St John's church is opening each Wednesday from 11am until 1pm.All are welcome to drop in at any time and stay as long or short as you wish.Everyone is welcome.
Our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, from Brian's editorial and various articles looking at subjects around Remembrance, articles as we look towards Advent as well as lots of information on forthcoming events, especially the Christmas Fayre and study groups. There are lots of other opportunities and dates for your diary, You will also find a recipe for a bird nut ball, a children's page and lots of other interesting articles.Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!
Our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, from Cath's editorial and various articles looking at subjects around Harvest, reflections on marking the Queen's death as well a flavour of the PCC meeting.There are lots of other opportunities and dates for your diary, You will also find a recipe, a children's page and lots of other interesting articles.Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!