Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Stephanie's editorial focusing on the encouraging words of Charles Wesley and inviting all to our Christmas services.There are lots of articles helping us to embrace Advent, plenty of resources on offer.Articles on Christians Against Poverty, as well as thoughts on the conflict in Israel and Gaza help us to look wider and reflect and see the relevance for us.Try your hand at the Nativity quiz, share and enjoy the pages for children (of any age!).There is lots of news and interesting articles and dates for your diary, including Messy Church and details of all our Christmas Services, lots of things that are all worth a look.Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!
Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Martyn's editorial inviting us to think about unfamiliar environments and how we welcome those unfamiliar with St John's in to church.There are articles relating to Remembrance as we turn our attention to wars past and present.There is a recipe for German apple cake, why not give it a try. There is lots of pages for children which I am sure all will enjoy.There is lots of news and interesting articles and dates for your diary, including the Christmas Fayre plus lots more, lots of things that are all worth a look.Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!
Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Cath's editorial focusing on what we are looking for. It's Harvest time, see details of our Harvest Supper and Services.There is a recipe for a Courgette, walnut and cinnamon cake, why not give it a try. There is lots of information about our ministry to families and children. see details of messy church, JJs and more.There is lots of news and interesting articles including an item about the Bible Society and and an response from Bishop Nick. See also dates for your diary, especially Messy Church, thanks for the amazing Heritage Open Day, crosses for sale, plus lots more, lots of things that are all worth a look.Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!
Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Jane's editorial focusing on new beginnings. There is an important article that encourages us to think about what we give to St Johns and why. There is a recipe for a vegan and gluten free sponge cake, why not give it a try. There is a thought provoking story using the creation of a stained glass window to illustrate how important the smallest thing can be.There is lots of news and interesting articles and a lovely tribute to George Mitchell. See also dates for your diary, look out for Heritage Open Day, Lego Breakfast and Messy Church, plus lots more, lots of things that are all worth a look.Something for everyone.Download, read and enjoy!