Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Brian's editorial focusing on Time and how we might reflect on how we use it during Lent. There are some interesting articles looking at a wide range of subjects from Lent, Baptism, the Book of Psalms and more.There are dates for your diary including a special service 'A Journey through Lent' on 9th March and Messy Church on 26th March.Do look at the details of Confirmation and the Lenten study group, come and delve deeper and explore your faith.The children's pages include a comic strip story, Mouse Makes looking at The Temptation of Christ and the St John's school page offers thoughts about the story of Noah.Something for everyone so delve in and have a look.Click on the download box to the right, read and enjoy!
Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Jane's editorial focusing on Community and how we engage. There are some interesting articles looking at a wide range of subjects from Candlemas, Valentines, Serving one another and looking ahead to Lent.There are dates for your diary including Messy Church on 5th February. Do look at the details of Confirmation and up coming study groups, come and delve deeper and explore your faith.The children's pages include a page to colour, Mouse Makes looking at How Does God love me and the St John's school page offers thoughts on a health body.Something for everyone so delve in and have a look.Click on the download box to the right, read and enjoy!
Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Wendy's editorial focusing on the New Year and new beginnings. There are some interesting articles looking at a wide range of subjects from The Magi, 'Faith in the North' and taking down Christmas tree decorations. There are thank yous and dates for your diary. lLego breakfast is on 11th January, see page 7.The children's pages include a page to colour, Mouse Makes looking at Epiphany and the St John's school page offers the Lord's prayer in everyday language.Something for everyone so delve in and have a look.Click on the download box to the right, read and enjoy!
Welcome to our monthly parish magazine with lots of interesting and inspirational articles, starting with Stephanie's editorial focusing on the Light of Christmas. There are some interesting articles looking at the message of Christmas including a story of Christmas Geese and another looking at 'Why the world was ready for Christmas'. There are lots of articles looking at subjects ranging from Christmas Tree decorations to Nativity Scenes.There are dates for your diary including all the details of the Christmas Services, Messy Church as well as our regular services.The children's pages include Mouse Makes looking at 'The Greatest Gift' and the St John's school page offers Year 6 views of why people believe in God, or not - it makes you think.Something for everyone so delve in and have a look.Click on the download box to the right, read and enjoy!