Facilities and features


We have two toilets, one of which is accessible with baby changing facilities. You’ll find them on the right side as you enter the reception room at the back.

These can be found in the accessible toilet.

Parking is on street.

St John’s Square is free to park except Monday-Friday 8:00-9:30am and 15:00-16:30 when it is permit only.

There is payment meter parking Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 18:00 on Margaret Street and St John’s North. However, it’s free after 6pm until 8am and again, all day Sunday.

This is located on the right side as you enter the building.

We don’t have our own accessible parking, but there is disabled parking on-street.

Our main entrance is via a ramp, or steps. It’s on the South side of the church and has large double doors.

Just ask one of our welcomers who will show you where it’s best to sit to hear everything that is going on and where the loop is. (It’s on the right side!)

All our service books and song books are available in large print.

Assistance dogs are always welcome.

Some people at St John’s are Dementia Friends

Our Building

The church is open every Wednesday from 11am until 1pm for free hot drinks and biscuits.
All are welcome to come and chat or spend time in prayer.

Wednesday 11am until 1pm every week.

Grade II*

Music and Worship

St John’s has fabulous acoustics and hosts a number of concerts throughout the year. These have included Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir, The Rodillian Singers, St Peter’s Consort, Festival Chorus and Wakefield Grammar Schools Foundation.

We have a super-duper new electric organ.

Our music group leads us all in music worship and they practise after the Sunday morning service at about 11:30am. Grab yourself a coffee and join in.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We plan to run a youth group at least once a half term. Look out for details.

We offer nurture courses from time to time. Do look out for details on the notice sheet.

We offer study courses from time to time, especially during Lent and Advent. Do look out for details on the notice sheet.

Tuesdays 6-7pm in church.

We have a fun Messy Church once every half term on. Wednesday after school 3:30pm until 5:30pm. There’s loads to do for all the family but particularly toddlers and primary age children. We also serve a food for everyone at the end. Look at our events page for dates or contact Cath Fox 07853 125487.

Friday Mornings during term time, Playgroup 9.00 -11.30am in church.

For new Christians, old Christians, fed up Christians and those who haven’t got a clue. The Pilgrim course runs from time to time, so keep an eye out on the events page for details.

Thursday evenings 6-7 pm in church

Help for Visitors

Every Heritage Open Weekends (first and second weekends in September) we open our doors for you to come and have a look round. Dare you go down our crypt, or climb the bell tower and ring the bells?

Wednesday every week 11am - 1pm

Other Features

We use Fairtrade coffee and tea for all our events and ask that other people using the church only use Fairtrade too.

Conservation Area

Please contact us by emailing [email protected] for details and availability of hiring the church or one of the rooms.

The main church can seat 200+ or we can remove the seats completely and you can adapt the space for your needs.

The Samaritan Room is a small meeting room, seating 20.

The Cafe area is the reception room at the back of the church and has tables and chairs to seat up to 30.