Every Friday at for 2 hours
Venue Address
St Martin's Church, Cambridge, 127 Suez Road, Coleridge Ward Cambridge, CB1 3QD, United Kingdom
Loads of activities - croquet, table tennis, indoor hockey, crafts, cooking, chip crawl, treasure hunts etc.. We meet at St Martin’s in the lounge area.

St Thomas's Hall, Cambridge

See the St Martin's pages for general information about service times and locations.

Get in touch

St Martin's Church Office,
127 Suez Road,

Fiona Stern, Office Manager
(01223) 519291

Our website

What's on

Youth Group fun night

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St Martin's Church, Cambridge
St Martin's Church, Cambridge, 127 Suez Road, Coleridge Ward Cambridge, CB1 3QD, United Kingdom

Loads of activities - croquet, table tennis, indoor hockey, crafts, cooking, chip crawl, treasure hunts etc.. We meet at St Martin’s in the lounge area.

St Thomas's Hall, Cambridge Charity No. 1131522