Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 25 mins
St Oswald, Norbury
St Oswald, Norbury, St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

Note that on Saturdays we begin at 9:15am.
Celebrated from home.
Join us via the video / audio conference facility (contact us for details), or offline using the Daily Prayer app or the resources on the Church of England Website.
We gather to pray for the church and the world.
Every Monday to Friday at 9am, Saturday at 9:15am.
All are welcome but please check the notice sheet on our website as from time to time arrangements may need to change.

Evening Prayer

Every day at for 5 mins
St Oswald's, Norbury
St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

Join us daily for Evening Prayer - our '5 minutes at 6': we gather daily at 6pm to pray for our nation and the world.

Currently celebrated from home. Join us via the video / audio conference facility (contact us for details).

All are welcome but please check the notice sheet on our website as from time to time arrangements may need to change.

8am Holy Communion (BCP on the first Sunday of the month)

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St Oswald's, Norbury
St Oswald's, Norbury, St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion with readings and a short homily

Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Oswald's, Norbury
St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

Our main Sunday celebration of the Eucharist with children''s church in the hall during term time. Refreshments are offered in the hall after the service.

Midweek Communion Service

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
St Oswald's, Norbury
St Oswald's, Norbury, St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion. Followed by refreshments.

Pop - In Club

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St Oswald's, Norbury
St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

A weekly gathering for the over 50s for friendship, activities and a cuppa.

Women's Fellowship

Every Second Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Oswald's, Norbury
St Oswald's Road Norbury London, SW16 3SB, United Kingdom

We meet on the second Wednesday each month and have a varied programme of speakers, activity afternoons and lunches out. All are welcome.

Our usual start time is 2pm but in August and December we go out for lunch together instead.