Online Worship

Every First, Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

nearly every week, we have a Eucharistic service, using Common Worship (modern language) - in church, and we livestream the service as it happens and this can be viewed at any time afterwards, using the link on the website or in the week’s newsletter. ( )

This can be accessed at any time and is updated weekly

Our Main Service

Every First, Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

The service begins at 9.30 and the refurbished church building allows us flexibility in worship ... A sung Eucharist open to all is held most Sundays - unless we are having a Family Eucharist - which is even more open but may be less traditional! All our main services are followed by 'refreshments' in the Hall, where Fairtrade goods are also on sale.

On most 'Third Sundays' (of the month), 'SWITCH' services are less formal, aimed at families with children, and followed by a short service following a more traditional format in the church at 11.00,

Informal Church for the First Sunday of the month

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

This is another of our non-eucharistic services, with modern songs and worship, and often a video and lots of activities for all ages held at 11:00 in the morning for those who find 9:30 too early.

Regular updates on our other website:

'Exploring Faith’ (Tuesday & Friday groups)

Every Tuesday and Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Location varies
Location varies

Two discussion groups on different nights, for anyone who wishes to explore the Bible, our faith, and questions! No prior knowledge or preparation required. During the present crisis, we are trying to use Zoom online conferencing!

Alternate Tuesdays at 7:45pm; Alternate Fridays at 7:30 - Ring 01676 532389 for details or to confirm!

Afternoon Tea

Monthly. Every Second Thursday at for 2 hours
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

We invite all who may be lonely or who enjoy a sociable cuppa to join us in the Baptistry (lounge) on the Second Thursday of each month, for tea and home made cake, and conversation. This is particularly suitable for older people, but all are welcome and during the winter, this links with our ‘Warm Hub’ activity every Thursday - but once a month with Cake!

Note that the "Fourth Thursday" Tea with Worship will happen on ALTERNATE months - in 2019 March, May, July, Seopt & November. Look for our notices!

Outreach Services at Harper Fields Care Home

Every Friday at for 30 mins
Harper Fields (Barchester) Care Home
Harper Fields (Barchester) Care Home, Albany Meadows, Balsall Common

We offer short services (with Communion) at the Barchester “Harper Fields” Care Home in Balsall Common, together with the Methodist Church (Methodists Second Friday of the month, and CofE on most other Fridays)

Teeny Tinies and Toddlers

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

A Sort of Baby Cafe for 'new and expectant mums' (carers, Dads and Grandparents also welcome) meeting weekly in the Hall, alongside the toddler activity formerly known as Play and Stay - so that parents with children of all under-school ages can come - good coffee, home made cake, and mutual support. (In termtimes). Play & Stay lets the kids run around in a safe environment with lots of space, while their carers relax a bit! Small charge to cover costs of replacing equipment etc.

Except in half term and school holidays

Informal Church for the Second Sunday of the month

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

This is a non-eucharistic service with modern songs and worship, and often a video and lots of activities for all ages now held at 11:00 in the morning as this suits more people!

"SWITCH" - Informal Church for the Third Sunday of the month

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

A new way of being church, informal worship, as our main Service once a month, usually held in the Hall. Suitable for families with young children, or others who like a less formal service, the worship lasts about 45 minutes, followed by refreshments. The 'contemporary style' worship is all very informal, with activities for all ages and needs but includes songs, teaching and prayer and a time for reflection for those who seek it.

Look out for the warning notice outside the church in the week before it. We are also beginning "cafe church" either within the SWITCH service or at other major festivals, in the church building. We t

Holy Communion

Every Third, Fifth Sunday at for 50 mins
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

This provides a short, quiet service which may be suitable also for those seeking a shorter, more reflective or later opportunity to take Communion: after an opportunity for coffee and to meet the rest of the congregation before the service, in the Hall from 10.30 am.

Coffee Together

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Jubilee
The Jubilee, The Jubilee centre - a community hall in the heart of Balsall Common village (behind Tesco) … Station Road., United Kingdom

The 'Churches Together' group in Balsall Common welcome all to a regular event at the Jubilee Centre, in the village centre, on Saturday mornings, for coffee (or tea) and home made cakes, and to meet members of our congregations

On December 3rd there will be carols and mince pies!

Cafe Church

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter Balsall Common
Balsall Street East Balsall Common Coventry, CV7 7EA, United Kingdom

When there are five Sundays in a month, we usually hold a special less traditional service on the fifth Sunday. This will usually follow the Cafe Church format, family friendly with pastries (or doughnuts, or similar) and coffee! Come and try one, all welcome. Look for the poster outside church.