Facilities and features
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
We hold a course once a year using this course or adapted material
Every second and third Tuesday we have a coffee morning in the Norman Chapel. The third Tuesday also has a speaker and bacon butties.
Both are at 10.30am and both are lovely and warm and welcoming with great cakes!
This runs on a Wednesday morning in the chapel from 10.30am until 12noon. Toys, craft, songs, toast and a lovely relaxed atmosphere. Occasional trips out.
We have a Pilgrim course once a year. Please contact the vicar for more information
Help for Visitors
Most mornings at around 9.15 for morning prayer. Vicar is very happy to be contacted if you would like to look in.
Other Features
Our chapel is ideal for more small gatherings, running courses or a childrens party. Small kitchen facilities and toilets. Please contact Pauline Peace on 01827 250676 for more information