“From Lament to Hope” service

for 1 hour
St Nicholas
A5 (1mi South from Grendon roundabout) Baddesley Ensor Birmingham, CV9 2BQ, United Kingdom

This special service will be held in the car-park behind the church hall. The need for the service arises from the collapse of the church hall roof, two years ago. We will offer thanks for the many activities for which the hall has been used for almost 50 years; we will lament the collapse of the roof, and subsequent denial of its facilities; express pain about the difficulties in trying to restore the building; and look forward IN HOPE! for eventual restoration. There will be a blessing of the site. The hall has been used for community activities by groups from this village and neighbouring villages, as well as our church, and all are welcome.

St Nicholas

Get in touch

Revd. Liz Bickley

The Vicarage
75 Newlands Road
Baddesley Ensor
Atherstone, Warwickshire

Priest in Charge
(01827) 713245
What's on

“From Lament to Hope” service

for 1 hour
St Nicholas
A5 (1mi South from Grendon roundabout) Baddesley Ensor Birmingham, CV9 2BQ, United Kingdom

This special service will be held in the car-park behind the church hall. The need for the service arises from the collapse of the church hall roof, two years ago. We will offer thanks for the many activities for which the hall has been used for almost 50 years; we will lament the collapse of the roof, and subsequent denial of its facilities; express pain about the difficulties in trying to restore the building; and look forward IN HOPE! for eventual restoration. There will be a blessing of the site. The hall has been used for community activities by groups from this village and neighbouring villages, as well as our church, and all are welcome.