Facilities and features
2 unisex toilets available in Robert Lloyd Room lobby, one has both disabled facilities and baby changing facilities
In one of the unisex toilets in Robert Lloyd Room lobby
There is a small parking area for about 4 cars near the church entrance but we ask for this to be kept clear for disabled visitors and on special occasions eg for weddings and funerals. It is not recommended to park on the main road (New Rd) but nearby in Coleshill Rd. People also park at The Digby pub and Water Orton Carpark near the station (free for 1st 2 hours). The Link (Church Hall) has it's own carpark.
There are no steps or incline into the church. There is a step onto the dais at the front and a step into the chancel. Please inform the greeters or duty warden if you like to receive communion in your seat instead of going up to the altar.
Our Building
The building is grade II listed
Music and Worship
The organ is played at 9am Sunday Communion service
The choir leads the worship at the 9am. Also at special occasions such as the Advent Concert and the Candlelit Carol Service.
Worship group provides the music at the 11am Sunday Contemporary Worship service
Groups, Courses and Activities
'Christianity Explored' is for those who wish to know more about the Christian faith. Please contact the vicar about details of when and where courses are run.
This is run about twice a year. Please contact the vicar for more details
'Family Quest' is held at The Link, every 2nd Sunday from 4-5.30pm. Crafts, food and worship.
Unfortunately Women Alive had been dissolved. Women Alive was associated with Mothers Union and had an event with speaker or singer/s first Thursday in the Month.
WOMBATS - Water Orton Mothers Babies and ToddlerS is supported by the church. This meets midweek at The Link: Thursdays 9.30-11.30am.
Help for Visitors
Guide leaflet available by hymn book stand
Open Cafe, Tuesdays, 9 -11.30 in Robert Lloyd Room. Also meet a local councillor 10-11am
In the week, the church is open Tuesdays 9-11.30 (Open Cafe in RLR), for Wed Holy Communion at 10am .
Other Features
Church is open 10-11am for donations to the local foodbanks on Tuesday and Saturdays
Regular Services on Sunday can be followed with words on a screen - though at the Sunday 9am Holy Communion, hymn books and service books are offered by the greeters.
The Link, a new building in 2010 replaced the old church hall at 4 New Road near the church. Please see church's website and select 'The Link' pages. What-on's page is http://www.waterortonparishchurch.org/index.php?zonename=thelinkwhatson24