We'll be putting some safety measures in place:
- Face coverings must be worn at all times once inside the building, unless you are exempt for medical reasons. Please bring a face covering with you.
- Hands must be sanitised at the cleaning station as soon as you enter the building. Hand sanitiser will be provided.
- Stewards will be on hand to direct you to your seats.
- Chairs will be positioned to maintain social distancing, while allowing households to be able to sit together.
- Children will need to sit with their households. Smaller chairs and colouring sheets will be provided for them.
- Singing will not be permitted during the service.
- Contact details will be recorded for 'track and trace'.
- A one way system will be in place for access to and from the church building.
- Please do not interact with people outside your immediate household or 'support bubble'.
- We won't be serving refreshments. You may bring a bottle of water from home, but please remember to take this with you when you leave.
We look forward to welcoming people back into our building, but safety remains our greatest priority.
We'll continue to assess the situation as it unfolds, and make changes to our provision and procedures in line with guidance from the Government and the Church of England.