Eco Church

One of the 5 marks of mission of the Church of England is "To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth”. We are now proud to announce that St Hilda’s Church has been awarded a bronze Eco Church award. Over the coming months we will begin to work towards gaining a silver award. We would love to invite others to join our Eco Group to guide us through the next steps and to contribute ideas.

As in all volunteer roles in church this requires basic safeguarding training, every three years. The training empowers us to know how to make St Hilda’s a safe place for everyone. There will be a Basic Awareness Safeguarding Training session on Saturday 31st August, morning. Please speak to Anne Harris if you’d like to know more.

The Eco Group: James Atkinson, Ian Dickinson, Fran Ellis