Following the wonderful support we have received knitting for the Mission to Seafarers in recent years we are inviting anyone who would like to knit again to pick up their needles once more. Recently, I have received a request for hats as the distributing centre is very low in stock. As before, I have needles and wool. Also, I have patterns if this helps. During 2023, we were able to send the Mission to the Seafarers 90 hats, 18 balaclavas, 29 scarfs and 26 pairs of gloves. I receive letters from the Port Welfare staff of the Mission to Seafarers at South Shields, where the knitted items are now collected to be distributed to seafarers, and from the letters it is obvious how much the seafarers appreciate to be remembered. As always my sincere thanks to our knitters for all the support I receive. Judith
Weather permitting, the next Saturday morning session to tidy the church front garden will be on Saturday 6th April between 10.00 am - 12.00 noon. If you are free, your help would be much appreciated at any time during the morning. Experienced and inexperienced gardeners are all welcome. If you have any queries, please speak to Rob Eaton or Anne Harris.Future 2024 dates for gardening (on the first Saturday of each month) will be: 4th May, 1st June, 6th July, 3rd August, 1st September, 5th October.
Last year in the summer we were granted a faculty to replace our gas heating system with electric radiators. The heating committee and PCC have been working hard to ensure we have the sufficient electrical capacity to run the new radiators. We now know what we need and so have placed an order with National Grid to add and split a new supply, separating the electrical supply to the hall. We will then place the order for the radiators and to remove the gas heating and pipe work. The hope is this work will be completed by the summer. Once we have final quotes and figures we will launch a fund-raising campaign to help pay for this essential work. Thank you for your patience and support, I realise this has been a long wait. I want to thank everyone who has worked hard to achieve this and all those who have already given financially to the new system.