9th Sunday after Trinity

9th Sunday After Trinity

Readings: 2 Kings 4v42-end; Psalm 145v10-19; Ephesians 3v14-end; John 5v1-21.

Let us pray: May the words of my mouth, and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

A Word: I read the readings for this week and was struck by the way that we see God at work to help the hungry. In Kings we hear that after a man gave Elisha the first fruits of his harvest that Elisha told his servant to give the food to the people. Elisha’s servant thought there was insufficient food to feed the amount of people who were but Elisha told him to give it to the people because God had said that not only would they be fed but there would also be leftovers. In the gospel of John we hear that instead of sending the large crowd away, Jesus made provision to feed them using a child’s 2 fish and 5 rolls. Then, after the people were fed, 12 baskets of leftovers were gathered up. It seems so amazing to me that God is minded to use the gifts of those who are generous enough to hand over what they have to feed those who do not have enough. It is also why I am so thankful for the words of the psalm which tells us that we have a God who lifts up people who fall and generously feeds those who are hungry.

In the psalm we also hear that God’s faithful people tell others about his kingdom as well as praise, bless and glorify God. This is because God’s word can be trusted, for we have a God who is mighty in power and action; a God who hears all call out to him; a God who always takes righteous and loving action. We see this in the Gospel of John, for even though Jesus kept on trying to find a place to rest with his disciples, he had great compassion for the people who sought him out and gathered to seek his help. Also, in the letter of Paul to the people in Ephesus we hear that we have a God who is able to accomplish more that we can either ask for or imagine. For we have a God who in the gospel walks on water and a God who hears the prayer for the people of Ephesus. For we have a God who wants to fill his people with spiritual strength and the fullness of God. A God who wants us to have faith in Jesus and knowledge of his overwhelming love for us. A God who wants us to be rooted and grounded in love.

I do not know what God wants of us today but what I do know is that I am drawn to and want to serve God. For I am happy to give God what I can of my time and resources because I know that God can do miracles with the little I hand over to him. I also know that I can trust God to look after all those who I send God’s way – for we have a merciful, loving and generous God. Today let’s listen so we her what God is asking of us today.

Let us pray: Dear Lord, you call us to be your people, a people of service in the world. Help us to hear your call and give us the courage we need to follow your calling. For even though you ask so little of us, it so often feels too much and beyond our ability. Melt our hearts so we sense your presence and peace, then lend us your strength so we can dare to follow in your footsteps. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thank you for joining us.