Free Family Film Show

Advent christmas

Advent Sunday - We begin the season of Advent at our 10am Sunday Service on 3rd December 2023. Doors open from 9am

Free Family Film show - Come and join us as we gather to enjoy ourselves as we celebrate the Season. Refreshments on sale and you are welcome to join us for this on Sunday 3rd December, doors open at 2pm, film at 2.30pm

Christmas Fayre - Free entry to our fayre where we have toys, books, DVDs, raffle, tombola, and refreshments on sale. Come and see Santa for free too. Join us for this on Saturday 9th December, doors open at 11am

Christmas Eve Family Service - join us to hear once more the Nativity story and to sing Carols by candlelight. Doors open at 5.30pm for the service at 6pm on Sunday 24th December.

Christmas Day - We celebrate Christmas at our short 10am Service on Sunday 25th December. Doors open from 9.30am.

Epiphany - We hear once more the story of the visit of the three Kings at our 10am Sunday service on 7th January 2023. Doors open at 9.30am.

Candlemas - We close the season at our 6pm candle-lit service on Sunday 28th January 2024. Doors open at 5.30pm