Ascension Day


Ascension Day

Let us pray: God our Father, you raised our humanity in Christ and fed us with the bread of heaven: mercifully grant that, nourished with such spiritual blessings, we may set our hearts in the heavenly places; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Readings: Acts 1 v1-11; Psalm 47 or 93; Ephesians 1v15-end; Luke 24v44-end

A word from Lucy: The day that Jesus was taken up into heaven is called Ascension Day and we remember that Jesus is now reigning in glory in heaven where He prays for us as our great high priest. We also call to mind that he promises the gift and power of the Holy Spirit to His followers so we can become His witnesses to the ends of the earth. Finally, we remember that one day Jesus will return again.

Read about this in the Book of Acts