2nd Sunday of Advent

Advent christmas

Second Sunday of Advent

Readings: Malachi 3 v1-4; Canticle-Luke 1v68-79; Philippians 1v3-11; Luke 3v1-6.

Let us pray: May the words of my mouth and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

A Word : The first from the Book of the prophet Baruch, which can be found in the Apocrypha, is a call to the people of Jerusalem to cease being a nation of sorrow and be a people clothed in the beauty of the glory of God. A people that God will show off to all in heaven and describe as: Righteous, Peace and Godly Glory.

In the reading from the prophet Malachi we hear God foretelling that he will send out a messenger who will prepare the way for the Lord because when he comes to his temple the people must be ready to be refined and purified. The canticle from Luke 1v68-79 is a song of praise and thanks to the God of Israel because he came to his people to set them free. This is the fulfilment of a promise that God shared through the prophets – to send the Messiah born in the line of King David. The Messiah who would be preceded by a prophet to prepare the way for God to come to his people. The Messiah who would bring in God’s reign of compassion, peace, light and life. In the letter to the people of Philippi, we hear that even though Paul is in prison, he is full of joy and offering a prayer of praise to God for the Christians in Philippi. Paul is also asking God to bless them with gifts: that they will grow more and more in their knowledge of God; that they will grow in their ability to discern between what is right and best; and that they will grow a great harvest of the goodness that comes through Jesus.

Finally in Luke, we hear about God’s calling and sending out of John to prepare the way of the Lord. In answering this call, John fulfilled the prophetic promises of God by calling people to a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins and in so doing, prepared the way.

So, what is the message here for us? I believe that God needs us all to be ready – not just in the old days when he was preparing to send his son to save us – but also now in our time – as we wait for Jesus’ return. For as it says in the prophecy of Malachi – we need to get ready because when Jesus returns he will refine and purify us. For, if we wish to be clothed in the beauty of the glory of God (Baruch), we must let go of our old sinful ways and simply accept with thanksgiving God’s forgiveness of our sins – just like in the time of John the Baptiser (Luke). So today – I dare you to believe this message. For it was given to us in ancient times and re-given to us after the time of Christ in the world. And, what is more, is that this is the very message that Jesus came to share with us and to make us fit to enter heaven.

Let us Pray: Wondrous, awesome, amazing God, Generous, loving and merciful. Help us to be ready when your Kingdom comes so we may pass through judgement and inherit the place that Jesus is preparing for us. Send us out into the world as children of your heavenly Kingdom and your servants in this world. Amen

Thanks for joining us today.