3rd Sunday after Trinity

3rd Sunday After Trinity

Readings: Ezekiel 17v22-end; Psalm 92; 2 Corinthians 5v6-17; Mark 4v26-34.

Let us pray: May the words of my mouth, and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

A Word: The psalm tells us that God is eternal and is always working to bring us true happiness to good people by strengthening and transplanting them into God’s courtyard. It also tells us that God scatters and mows down bad people.

So it is not surprising that after God’s people were invaded and taken into exile into Babylon that they would interpret this as being forsaken by God. However, God had not forsaken them – and he sent Ezekiel (one of the 5 great prophets) with prophetic messages to help them understand better what this great catastrophe really was all about. As we hear in the reading, God told them that this terrible catastrophe would be used to grow them into the kind of people God intended them to become: a majestic people amongst whom people from other nations would find a home.

In the letter to the people of Corinth, Paul shows his trust in the God who is with us even in our troubles. Paul says that he and his companions were not overcome by the problems and catastrophes they experienced because they were fortified by God’s promise of what is still to come. For one day, we shall all be called to judgement before Christ and face God. Now while this is something that should make us afraid, Paul explains that when we face God, we are facing the one who sent his son to save us – by making it possible for us to be united with the Messiah, made new and given a fresh start so we can be included in his resurrection and given a place in God’s Kingdom. Which is something to look forward to and not feared.

In Mark’s gospel we hear Jesus telling stories to teach us about God’s Kingdom because this is something so awesome and amazing that we can only glimpse small fragments of what it is like.

Whatever you make of the stories, what we do know is that God is offering all of us an invitation to join his Kingdom, a free gift to all who will accept it.

Let us pray: Day by day dear Lord, of you three things we pray: to see you more clearly, to love you more dearly and to follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen

Thank you for joining us.