Pentecost Sunday


Readings: Acts 2v1-21; Psalm 104v26-end; Romans 8v22-27; John 15v26-27 & 16v4b-15.

Let us pray: May the words of my mouth, and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

A Word: In the gospel of John, we hear Jesus telling his disciples that after he leaves them that he will return to his father and together they would send them a helper. This helper is the Spirit of Truth who would help them by: guiding them; supporting them; by bringing them messages; by exposing errors and guiding them into true understanding.

In the Book of Acts, we hear that this promise was fulfilled after Jesus’ ascension, whilst the disciples were gathered to celebrate the Jewish feast of Pentecost. On this day, the holy spirit of truth came to them sounding like a strong gale force wind. As the spirit spread, the apostles and disciples began to speak about the mighty works of God in many different languages. It was so astonishing because devout Jewish pilgrims from all over the world reported that they heard what was being said in the mother tongues of the places they had come from. However, not everyone understood what was happening. Some of those present were simply confused and others made jokes and said that everyone must be drunk. In response to this Peter stood up and boldly proclaimed that no-one was drunk and that what was happening was the fulfilment of the words of the prophet Joel. For through the prophet Joel, God had foretold that, before the day of the Lord’s return, his spirit would be poured out on every kind of people, both male and female; and, by the power of the spirit, people would serve God, prophesy, see visions and dream dreams.

In our time, as we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, we remember that what was foretold by the prophet Joel and promised by Jesus, was fulfilled. For this was the time when the apostles and disciples were anointed with the holy spirit to equip them to carry out God’s mission. A mission that continues as we wait for Jesus’ return. A mission guided and led by the Spirit of God as described in the letter to the Romans. The spirit that awakens and stirs us up - so we can do God’s bidding - as we await the Lord’s return. The spirit that enables us to fulfil the purpose that we hear about in the psalm – our purpose of singing hymns of praise to God because it was God that made and sustains the whole of creation.

This is the spirit that will lead us as we move forward with new Church structures that will enable Christian ministry and mission for the future.

Let us pray: Day by day dear Lord, of you three things we pray: to see you more clearly, to love you more dearly and to follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen

Thank you for joining us.