3rd Midweek Bible Study during Lent


Today’s reading from the Bible, Mark 1v15: After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. He said, “The time has come, the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” New International Version – UK

A comment for today: As Jesus began his three years of his mission and ministry, we hear the call to repent and believe the good news. The call to repentance is an amazing gift to the world. For it is the call to remember that God is holy and that we are not. It is the call to recognise our fallen nature and to lay it before God. It is the call to learn the truth about ourselves, the truth that will set us free. It is the call to throw ourselves on the mercy of God, a loving and forgiving God. It is the call to a life of change and conversion, as we stop living for ourselves and make our way back to living for God.

Taking time to ponder:

Read and re-read the Bible reading and then consider yourself. All of us are limited, frail and sinful - to greater or lesser degree - and God loves us and wants to make us better than we are right now. So, what does God want you to change? Offer this to God and ask for help to make the change God is asking for. This may be something small but important or something large and difficult. Whatever it is, this is what God wants from you and God will help you with it.

Closing prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for Jesus. Thank you that in him we have forgiveness of our sins. Thank you that when we turn away from our sins, we can be reconciled back to You. Help us this day to believe and trust in Jesus. Help us to repent of our sins, to believe in the gospel and to do your will. Amen.