Midweek Bible Studies during Lent


Today’s reading from the Bible, Matthew 11v28-30: Come to me, all you who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. New International Version – UK

A comment for today: In this reading, Jesus invites all who labour and are heavy-laden, to come to him to receive Christ’s gifts of rest, peace and comfort. This reading is a reminder that Jesus offers to walk with us, so we can learn from him and be changed by it. In this walk, Jesus invites us to wear a yoke alongside him, a yoke that is lined with his love, a yoke that can give us the guidance we need to keep God’s commands, a yoke that will not be forced upon us. For Jesus wants us to choose to walk in a yoke with him, so he can give us: the inward peace and joy we need and true rest for our souls.

Taking time to ponder : Read and re-read the passage again slowly. Feel the words flow over and through you, then ask yourself the questions: Do I have burdens I want Jesus to help me to carry? Am I willing to walk with Jesus?

Once you have your answer to yourself - offer them to God through Jesus then close with the prayer that follows.

Adapted prayer - originally written by John BirchIn times of weakness and the hour of our need,yours Lord is the strength by which we carry on,the shoulder we rest our head upon.When our load is heavy and too great to bear,yours Lord are the arms stretched out,the grace that descends to wrap about.In our times of weakness and the hour of need,Lord, open our ears to hear you say,‘Come to me and find rest this day.’Thank you Lord, Amen