First Sunday of Lent Readings: Deuteronomy 26v1-11; Psalm 91v 1-2&9-end; Romans 10v8b-13; Luke 4v1-13. Let us pray: May the words of my mouth and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. A Word: In Deuteronomy, we hear about a religious rite that God gave to his people through Moses. This was that when they entered the land given to them by God take, they were to gather the first fruits of their harvest, take them to God’s dwelling place, give them to the priest as an offering, then remember the journey to the promised Land that God had taken with them. After this, they were to go and celebrate with everyone who lived in their land. I believe that this instruction is something that we can all follow as we live out our lives wherever we may live. Our first fruits may include our resources, time, skills or abilities, for these can be shared in the service of God’s house or to benefit the people God calls us to serve. The memories we may call to mind as we look back over our lives may simply be to share what God has done for us in our lives. Then when we come to celebrate, our festivities may include parties and gatherings or simply be about giving food to support those in need. In the psalm we hear that no matter what hardships we encounter in life that God will always be with us: in times of temptation, through times of disease and in times of war. For in all of these times, God draws close to us and sets his angels to stand guard over us. I believe that this is God’s promise to all who put their trust in him. A promise for all time. A promise that God will never retract and will always fulfil. A promise we can depend on even when we cannot feel God’s presence or peace. In Romans, we hear that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, regardless of their religion or doubts about faith. For Jesus is the Lord of all, the one who is generous to all who call out for help to him and the one who promises that everyone who puts their trust in Him will never be dishonoured, humiliated or embarrassed by Him. I believe that this is a promise that Jesus will keep for anyone who calls out to him. Whether we turn to him in trust and faith, or reach out in our times of desperation, or when we are consumed with doubt. For we have a Saviour who died for everyone and wants all people to come share in his resurrected life. I believe that these three readings share some of God’s instructions to us, some of God’s promises to us and some of God’s hopes for us. I also believe that these are things that we need to take hold of because there will be times in life when they will be all we have to rely on. I believe this is especially true at times when the Devil comes hunting us down, trying to scam us into leaving God’s ways. For as we hear in Luke, the Devil is sly, cunning and arrogant. The devil is sly because he thought he could trip the Son of God up and cause him to turn stones into bread to eat. The devil is cunning because he thought he could trick the Son of God into avoiding his mission to save all people. The devil is arrogant because he dared to try and tempt the Son of God to put his Father to the test. However, as we heard in each of the three temptations, Jesus defended himself by: stopping and thinking about the scriptures; then refusing to be taken in by the devil’s promises; and finally by using the true meaning of the scriptures to guide what he said and did. Today we are called to learn about God and God’s ways by readings the scriptures – the library of collected wisdom called the Bible. Today we are called to ponder what the Bible really means so we can live as God calls us to do. Today we are called to stand firm to what God is telling us to be and do through the scriptures – so that when the Devil comes calling – we are not tricked into drifting away. But, what is most amazing of all is that if we do get tricked and find ourselves off God’s pathway, there is a way back - through the forgiveness offered to us by Jesus’ death on the cross. Let us Pray: Lord God Almighty, give us the grace we need to be renewed and strengthened to discipline ourselves, to overcome our weaknesses and to be obedient to your Spirit; so we live by every word you have given us. Help us to resist all of the temptations that would distract us from the way that leads to eternal life and guide us through the example of your Son Jesus. Teach us to follow Jesus by the faith and hope you nourish and increase within us. Amen Thanks for joining us today.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Lent is the time of year when the Church calls on Christians to take part in a period of Spiritual Discipline for 40 days that ends with the great celebration of Easter. Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday when, in days of old, it was the tradition to use up all the goodies in the pantry and have a feast before Lent began as Lent used to be a time of fasting. Traditionally, Ash Wednesday is the day when children and adults would go to Church to confess their sins and receive the mark of ash on the forehead, as a sign that we are sinners in need of God’s mercy and grace. Here are some traditional prayers:Holy God, our lives are laid open before you: rescue us from the chaos of sin through the death of your Son and bring us to healing and wholeness.Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are repentant: create and make in us new and contrite hearts that as we lament our sins and acknowledge our unhappiness, that you, the God of all mercy, grant us forgiveness through Jesus.Almighty God, you have given your only Son to be a sacrifice for sin and an example of godly life: give us grace that we may thankfully receive his gifts then undertake to follow in the blessed steps of his most holy life.This year, we shall be making our confession in Church on the 1st Sunday of Lent and those who want them may receive the ashes. For those of you who want to - make your confession at home. For true freedom comes when we recognise our sin, are sorry for our shortfalls, confess them to God and ask God to help us change. For, no matter how bad we are, what is truly remarkable is that God loves every sinner who turns back to Him and when even one sinner repents Jesus said that the angels rejoice in heaven. So, let us pray: For all my sins Lord, I am sorry and ashamed, I know I do not deserve your forgiveness, so I come to you trusting in your loving mercy and grace, asking: Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen
2nd Sunday before Lent Readings: Genesis 2v4b-9&15-end; Psalm 65; Revelation 4; Luke 8v22-25. Let us pray: May the words of my mouth and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. A Word: What a selection of readings we have for today, readings that tell us a lot about God. In Genesis we hear about God as a creator. For God formed man from the dust of the ground, then breathed life into him to make him into a living being. Then God created the Garden of Eden for the first man to live and work in. After this God made all sorts of animals and birds to keep the man company. However, when the man found that none of the animals or birds were a suitable partner and helper, God made woman as a partner for the man. A partner who alongside the man made one whole being. Just like the two sides of a single coin – make one united whole. In the psalm we hear about God’s love for humankind. For it tells us that when we turn to God and confess our sins that our sins are washed away. It also says that everyone drawn to God’s temple will find blessing and hope beyond measure. For the God we worship and praise and thank is the one who cares for the whole of creation. In the book of the Revelation, we hear about the awesome and mighty presence of God in a vision of heaven. For heaven is a place where there is a throne alongside 24 other thrones and a sea that looks just like crystal in front of the main throne. On the main throne is seated one who is brightly coloured like jasper and carnelian - a shiny rusty red sort of colour - one who is described as living forever and ever. And, in this place, there is a sound like thunder and reverberation; there are four living creatures with wings and lots of eyes singing songs of praise to God; and on the other thrones are elders, all dressed in long white robes and wearing golden crowns; elders who fall to their knees and put down their crowns before the one who lives forever, as they sing songs of glory and praise to the one who lives forever. In Luke we hear what the disciples have to say about God’s Son on a day when Jesus is tired and falls asleep whilst he and his disciples are in a boat crossing to the other side of the lake. For while Jesus is sleeping, a serious storm that puts Jesus and the disciples in danger breaks out. In fear, the disciples wake Jesus and alert him to the troublesome storm and upon waking and understanding what was happening, Jesus reprimands the wind and raging waves. In response the storm evaporates and Jesus asks his disciples “where is your faith?”. The disciples, amazed by what they had witnessed, simply ask each other “who is this that even the winds and waves obey him?”. As God’s gathered people, we are called to believe and trust in the God who created us; the God who loves forgives, cares for and blesses humankind; the God who is worshipped in heaven; the God who came to earth and asks “where is your faith?” I pray that all of us here will be just as amazed by what we witness in our lives that we too will be able to say of God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit - “who is this that even the winds and waves obey him?” Let us Pray: Almighty God, maker of the whole of creation, who has set the tree of life in paradise and the bread of life in the heart of the Church; transform us through our Saviour’s cross; teach us to detect your hand in all your works and to see your likeness in all your children; and call us to share in the delights of eternity. Amen Thanks for joining us today.