Pew Slip 3rd July 2022

Reading_sheets_-_3rd_July_2022.pdf Download
Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


FIRST READING Isaiah 66:10-14

PSALM 66:1-8

SECOND READING Galatians 6: (1-6) 7-16

GOSPEL Luke 10:1-11 16-20

Prayers for July Pastoral Cluster: The Early Birds

Thank you to Rev. Rob Morris who kindly covered our Wednesday morning Eucharist and is covering again this morning.

Thank you to everyone who supported our Summer Fair, we raised an incredible £630.92

Revd Lydia begins her Sabbatical on Monday 27th June, she will return to Christ Church on Friday 23rd September for the Harvest Quiz. Should you need anything in the interim please contact the office or the church wardens in the first instance. During this leave we have a number of wonderful priests in to cover services. See church porch noticeboard.

Regular Giving, following my letter dated 15th May, please may I remind you to complete the tear off slip and return to either the church office or Mandy Riding (Giving Officer).

GDPR Consent update, it’s been 3 years since we last asked everyone to complete a consent form. We have now updated the form to include Pastoral Cluster permission. Please can we ask everyone to complete a new form, as soon as possible and return to Odilla or the Churchwardens. Forms are at the back of church for you to collect.

Please continue to support The Yardley Wood Food Pantry, as the cost of living rises more people will be turning to food pantries for more assistance. Please could you think about bringing an item of non-perishable food or some toiletries on a regular basis to help people in our community. 

Services this week

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church

Services NEXT Week

Sunday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church

The next ‘Family Service’ takes place Sunday 25th September 2022

Whole Church Harvest Celebration

Service starts at 10am

After the service we will be holding a Fresh Produce Auction and then having our Bring & Share Lunch.

All Families Welcome