Pew Slip 8th May 2022

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FIRST READING Acts 9:36-end


SECOND READING Revelation 7:9-end

GOSPEL John 10:22-30 

Prayers for May Pastoral Cluster: Togetherness

Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM last week, we still have a few openings for anyone who would like to nominate themselves to be Deputy Church Warden, Deanery Synod representative, or be on our PCC. If you are interested or would like any more information about these roles please see Revd. Lydia.

In support of Christian Aid next week we will have a cake stall in the centre next Sunday 15th May, all cake donations gratefully received.

Our Ascension Service Thursday 26th May at 8am, followed by breakfast in the Centre.

Thank you for all taking part in the Lent collection to support Christ Church Centre this year. If you can bring your Lent boxes back to us no later than 8th May. So far we have raised £283.55.

Jubilee Celebration Bring & Share Lunch in the Vicarage Garden after the service on Sunday 5th June. There is a list of buffet food we would like to be prepared and shared if you can bring any of the items listed on the notice board please sign up and take your slip as a reminder.

Sunday June 19th 3-5pm we will be holding our annual Summer Fair, if you would like to have a stall or know anyone who would like one they will be £10 each. Please see Odilla to book.

Please continue to support The Yardley Wood Food Pantry, as the cost of living rises more people will be turning to food pantries for more assistance. Please could you think about bringing an item of non-perishable food or some toiletries on a regular basis to help people in our community.

Dates for your diary:

Christian Aid Week – 15th – 21st May

PCC Meeting – 17th May 

Services This Week:   

Monday 9.00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 11.00am Funeral: Frederick Brennan

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church

Services NEXT week W/C 15th May 2022

Sunday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church (on Facebook & then uploaded to Youtube)

11.30am Baptism of Finlay

The next ‘Family Service’ takes place Sunday 29th May 2022

This month’s Family service is titled ‘Looking up’

We will be hearing the story of Jesus’ Ascension, singing and praying & letting off balloons.

Service starts at 11.30am - All Families Welcome

Refreshments will be served in Christ Church Centre after the service.