Pew Slip 17th April 2022

Reading_Sheets_-_17th_April_2022.pdf Download
Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news


FIRST READING Acts 10:34-43

PSALM 118:1-2. 14-24 

SECOND READING 1 Corinthians 15:19-26

GOSPEL John 20:1-18 

Prayers for April Pastoral Cluster: Tender hearts

Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Holy Week, readers, interceders, flower arrangers, brass cleaners and all who have been involved in enabling our worship. Thank you so much.

Rev Lydia will be on Annual Leave from Monday 18th April to Friday 22nd April. There will be no Morning Prayer on Easter Monday.

Doreen Fowler’s Funeral will take place on Monday 25th April at 12.30 in church.

Our AGM will now take place on Sunday 1st May 2022. We need to appoint a safeguarding coordinator, an environment champion and two deanery synod reps. Please speak to Rev Lydia for more information.

Thank you for all taking part in the Lent collection to support Christ Church Centre this year. If you can bring your Lent boxes back to us no later than 8th May.

Sunday June 19th 3-5pm we will be holding our annual Summer Fair, if you would like to have a stall or know anyone who would like one tables will be £10 each,

Please continue to support The Yardley Wood Food Pantry, as the cost of living rises more people will be turning to food pantries for more assistance. Please could you think about bringing an item of non-perishable food or some toiletries on a regular basis to help people in our community. 

Services this week: 

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church

Saturday 3.00pm Dawn and Thomas’ Wedding

Services NEXT week W/C 24.04.22

10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church (on Facebook & then uploaded to Youtube)

11.30am Family Service with Holy Baptism of Noah

The next ‘Family Service’ takes place Sunday 24th April

This month’s Family service is titled ‘Trusting'

We will be hearing the story of Thomas, singing and praying & painting stones.

Service starts at 11.30am - All Families Welcome

Refreshments will be served in Christ Church Centre after the service