Pew Slip 6th March 2022

Reading_Sheets_-_6th_March_2022.pdf Download
Notices Church_news


FIRST READING Deuteronomy 26:1-11

SECOND READING Romans 10:8b-13

 PSALM 91:1-2. 9-end

GOSPEL Luke 4:1-13

Prayers for March Pastoral Cluster: Tisungani

Thank you to Liz Veal and Jacob Gaston who made sure that we all enjoyed yummy pancakes on Tuesday. Thank you too, to everyone who came and supported.

I need a volunteer to verge our funeral service on Thursday 10th March at 12noon and control the CD player. You would receive a fee of £30 for your assistance.

Lent is a time to come together as a church and journey. Lent courses begins today 6th March; we will be running two weekly sessions on a Wednesday morning at 11am (after the service) in the Centre followed by lunch at 12.30pm. ‘I would encourage everyone to take part.’

Soup & Bread will be provided on a Wednesday lunchtime, we need some volunteers to help prepare and serve on Wednesday’s. A sign-up sheet is on the Church Centre notice board if anyone can help.

Our ‘New Year Meal’ at the HomeGuard club (£8.50) will take place after our AGM on Sunday 3rd April. There is a sign-up sheet on the centre noticeboard.

Thank you for all taking part in the Lent collection vote, we voted to support Christ Church Centre this year. Please collect your boxes from church today and return on Easter Day.

Today, we will be holding a special collection to support the humanitarian need in the Ukraine.

Next Saturday 12th March 10 – 12. Rev Lydia will be in the churchyard tidying up the Garden of Rest next to the War Memorial. Any volunteers to help her would be truly welcome.

AGM Reports, our AGM takes place on Sunday 3rd April at 11.00am. Please could groups who prepare reports (Church Warden, Deanery Synod, Singers, Servers, Mothers Union, Flowers, CC Club, Safeguarding, Centre & Treasurer) have these submitted to Odilla no later than 11th March.

The Centre has two new fitness groups that have started up, the organiser Dawn is running a Paracise class on Wednesday morning at 10.30am and a Pilates class on Thursday mornings at 9.25. Posters for both classes with more information are displayed in the centre.

Please continue to support The Yardley Wood Food Pantry, please bring donations of food and toiletries and we will pass them on.

We continue to run children’s Learn to ride 1.30 – 2.30 & 2.30 – 3.30 on Sunday afternoons If you would be able to volunteer to help Paul Phillips with these sessions please speak to Rev Lydia.

Services this week:

Monday 9.00 am Morning Prayer (streamed and in church)

Tuesday 9.30am Morning Prayer (streamed and in church)

Wednesday. 9.00am Morning Prayer (streamed and in church)

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church

Thursday 9.00am Morning Prayer (streamed and in church)

Thursday 12 noon Funeral of David Farrell

Friday 9.00am Morning Prayer (streamed and in church)

Services next week w/c 13th March

Sunday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church (on Facebook & then uploaded to Youtube)

The next ‘Family Service’ takes place Sunday 27th March 2022 at 11.30am

Christ Church Family Service ‘Thanking God for those who care for us’

This month's service let’s give thanks for those who care for us, singing and praying and making flower bouquet to give to someone to show our thanks.

Service starts at 11.30am - All Families Welcome

Refreshments will be served in Christ Church Centre after the service