A Kingdom that’s not of this World

Are you a king then? Jesus replied "My Kingdom is not of this world."

Pilate recognised one king, that being Caesar. This emperor was the unquestionable ruler of order for this part of the world. It was his chain of command which gave Pilate the responsibility to maintain peace in the country. The Jewish authorities handed Jesus over to Pilate, the Roman governor to approve his execution, as they were not allowed to put anyone to death without permission.

Pilate, though part of the Roman system, tried to place his own stamp of justice on this injustice."I find no fault with this man.” Mob him if you wish, but he should not be put to death. Clearly, mob rule was not going to comply. Was Pilate going to continue to stand against them and risk riots and anarchy. Caesar would have been very unimpressed with this, to put it mildly. There was also the case of many innocent lives which would lost as additional Roman forces were to march in during the coming weeks to regain control.

In our remembrance services we sang "God save the Queen". What is a Queen or ruler? Traditionally, they are a chosen person to fulfil a holy order, being anointed to carry out a duty of service to the nation. We have been blessed with Elizabeth, due to her current age. She comes from a culture of 'old school'. She has been the defender of our faith, defender of justice and safety, for those who live here. We sang, “May she defend our laws, and ever give us cause, to sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen.”

Looking through the early Old Testament kings, you may not be blamed for thinking that having an anointed king was not God's ideal way. It looks more like His permissive will for the people of Israel.

Had you heard of King Nadab, who followed the devices and desires of his own heart?

(1 Kings 15 v 26). Nadab walked in the sinful ways of his father and did evil in the sight of the Lord. Later you may read of another King, Ahab who disobeyed God and continued in his evil. King Saul was anointed and blessed by God, only to fall right away and please himself. Saul's life became darker as time progressed, until his death. He manipulated his son Jonathan who was also best friend of King David.

Maybe, a more perfect will, would have been to crown God as king. In April 2016, the Polish people had a ceremony to crown Jesus as King. God bless the Poles, we can learn so much from them. Would it have been better to discern the will of God, instead of appointing an earthly king? This describes a theocracy where the knowledge, presence and love of God are the motivators for fulfilling His Kingdom. It is a historic fact that when certain struggling companies asked their staff to focus on the love and mercy of God, he supernaturally came to their rescue. “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.”

In the accounts written about King David and Solomon, you read of their temptations. Solomon had fame and fortune, he was one of the wisest and wealthiest kings, yet he threw it away for the love of money, pleasures and power.

Don't you feel sorry for God, "Look at all I have given you? Was it not enough? Could you not just love me back?”

Today, in parts of the world, those who love God and have committed themselves to His service, suffer great persecution. The president of one of the Eastern Lands is regarded to be the most corrupt and dangerous of tyrants. This president's great grandparents were Christian missionaries. Their son, his grandfather, was brought up in a Christian home, attending church. In his twenties he decided that he was too big and clever to have faith in Christ. He rebelled. For decades afterwards, many have suffered; it would seem as a consequence of the decision of that one man.

There is another choice. It is where we say, God, you know best. I know that you love me and will always do the best and right for me. I want to let go of my way, and trust in yours instead. I know that without faith, it is impossible to fulfil your will.

As we surrender to God, the Holy Spirit fills our lives bringing an excitement about crowning Him, the real king. How, throughout ages, many have longed for the day when every knee shall bow to Him, and His rule of righteousness begins.

Jesus said, my Kingdom is not of this world. He was speaking about a very different world.