Local residents may remember the original St Bartholomew's Church, which stood on the corner of Hoggs Lane and Frankley Beeches Road, until it was destroyed in an arson attack and demolished over twenty years ago. The people of St Bartholomew’s Church continue to meet regularly at Holloway Hall (see our Services and Events page for more information). Now, however, thanks to a partnership between St Bartholomew's Church, the Church of England Birmingham and Bloor Homes, planning permission has been granted for not just a church, but a community hub, on the former North Worcestershire Golf Course, near the corner of Frankley Beeches Road and Hanging Lane. We hope to go out to tender for the builder shortly, with the aim of opening the building to the public in Summer 2025. It will be known as 'St Bart's Community Hub'. The building has been designed by APEC Architects Ltd, a Birmingham company that specialises in church and community buildings. They have also led the community engagement side of the project to date, ensuring that St Bart's Community Hub is a place where local people feel welcome, included and connected to one another and the community as a whole. More information about this can be found on APEC's website: https://www.apec.ac/portfolio/st-bart-community-hub/There is still a lot more conversation to be had...about how we ensure the new Hub offers activities and services that local people want and which other organisations St Bartholomew should partner with to deliver these. So, keep an eye on this page, as well as St Bartholomew's Church Allen's Cross Facebook page, for updates and events you can join in with to have your say. Suggestions and ideas are also very welcome directly to Revd Theresa Morton: Email: revdtheresamorton@gmail.com Phone/WhatsApp: 07557 472096
As a member of the Your Local Pantry network, we believe that everybody should have access to good food. We also understand the importance of feeling part of a community. As such, St Bart's Local Pantry maintains the following values:Dignity: Everyone deserves secure access to good food. In a Pantry, everyone is greeted with compassion and respect. Choice: Community food initiatives vary, but at Your Local Pantry shops, members always choose the food they want. Hope: Pantries help to create financial wriggle-room for members to start building the better future they seek. By reducing weekly shopping bills, members can free up money to cover other bills, repay debt, or start pursuing their and their children’s dreams.The Pantry is held at Allens Cross Community Centre, 24 Tinkers Farm Road, Birmingham B31 1RH, on Fridays 12.30-2pm and Saturdays 12.30-1.30pm.Anyone can join who lives within three miles of the Pantry. By paying £5 each week, members can choose around £25 of food from the selection on offer.A Place of Welcome runs alongside the Pantry, offering an opportunity to meet new friends, have a free hot drink and toast and chat to people about the issues that matter to you, ranging from local councillors to housing officers and health advisors. If you just want a listening ear or someone to pray for you, we can do that too.For latest news follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StBartsLocalPantry.northfieldFor information about the Pantry generally, including finding one in a different area, visit the Your Local Pantry website: https://www.yourlocalpantry.co.uk/