See the article here:
A group of local Christian leaders, including Revd Theresa, have organised an event on Northfield High Street, on Wednesday 12th February and we’d love to invite you to come and be involved.The format will be a short, half-hour vigil, with the following elements, all led by local Christian leaders:-A lament for the victims of knife violence-Confession for how we have collectively failed our young people-A short talk, pointing people to Jesus, the One who brings peace, forgiveness and love in place of hate-An opportunity for the community to respond by placing a daffodil of hope on the Resurrection Cross, and pledging to do what they can to make Northfield a better placeThe Baptist church has kindly offered to open its café afterwards as a warm welcome space, with refreshments available.If you're not able to come, please pray.
If you were to make something out of bread to represent God's generosity what would it be?At our Bread Festival, we had gingerbread men to represent friends, toast in memory of a wonderful Grandad, a treble clef for the joy of music, trees, hedgehogs, five loaves and two fishes - and the modern equivalent, a fishfinger sandwich! There was bread art, the Garden of Eden (complete with snake) and many many more. Our favourite, however, was the creation of Janice, our Community Lay Worker, who built an almost exact (maybe!) copy of our new St Bart's Community Hub! We'll soon announce which company will be building the Hub for us - but perhaps we'll stick with the architect's original plans! Well done though Janice, and huge thanks to everyone who baked, kneaded, decorated and ate bread at our Harvest celebration!
We are delighted to showcase our new logo, which we designed in collaboration with the amazingly creative Communications Team at the Church of England Birmingham. It's warm, it's welcoming, it's inclusive, it centres on the saving cross of Jesus...all the things St Bart's aims to be.We'll be rolling it out over coming months, not just for our church but also for our various projects and activities - and of course for our new St Bart's Community Hub.We'd love to hear what you think of it!