Electoral Roll Renewal 2025

New Electoral Roll

Every six years every Church of England parish has to completely remake its electoral roll, and this is the year when this happens. 

 We hope that everyone who worships regularly with us will join the electoral roll – this entitles you to attend (and vote at) our annual meeting, and the number of people on the roll is sometimes used as an indication of the health of the parish. 

Everyone needs to complete a new form, regardless of whether you were previously on the roll. Forms are available at the back of church and can be returned to the box provided. 

Alternatively, the online form can be downloaded from this page. It can be completed electronically and can be sent by email to [email protected]. If you return the form this way it is acceptable to type your name in the “signature” box

Form_1_Application_for_enrolment_church_electoral_roll, PDF
