Church and Environment - News, views and ideas for environmental change

Part of our engagement and desire as a church is to care for the environment. 

As we believe in a creative God who calls us to be stewards of all that is around us, we must seek to do what we can against the effects of climate change.

The national Church of England is seeking to go carbon neutral by 2030. This is a huge task and we are working on an action plan to help us get there. We will be exploring lots of options for alternative energy in a medium term project and we are actively working towards targets to reduce our carbon footprint and to encourage wildlife in our grounds.

We gained our EcoChurch Bronze Award and we are standing a few marks from the Silver Award.

                                             A PRAYER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT DAY - JUNE 5th 2024

Lord Jesus,
the earth is yours and you have commanded the winds and the sea;
help us to leave behind our consumer demand for plastics and move towards behaviours that are environmentally healthy;
help us to follow your lead in caring for the world you love.

Rt Revd David Urquhart