Market Day Holy Communion

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
Fakenham: St Peter & St Paul
Upper Market Place Fakenham Norwich, NR21 9DY, United Kingdom

Regular Thursday (Market Day) communion service, immediately before our Thursday refreshments and stalls open.

Holy Communion

Every First, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Fakenham: St Peter & St Paul
Upper Market Place Fakenham Norwich, NR21 9DY, United Kingdom

Parish Eucharist, typically using Common Worship.
Expect hymns, and a talk, with a time of prayer.
We usually have a robed choir and organ music.

Stepping Stones

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Salvation Army Hall
Salvation Army Hall, 16 Oak Street, Fakenham, NR21 9DY, United Kingdom

This weekly group for pre-school children and babies with their parents and carers from 9.45am on Mondays.
We begin with some songs and prayers, and then it's playtime. The purpose behind this group is to give children an introduction to church in an informal way and for grown-ups to have someone to chat with too. There is no charge, and everyone is welcome. Refreshments are served too.

We run every Monday, except for Bank Holidays.

Bereavement Cafe

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Fakenham: St Peter & St Paul
Upper Market Place Fakenham Norwich, NR21 9DY, United Kingdom

Whether it was recently or some time ago, the journey of grief and bereavement can be a time of sadness, pain, confusion, anger and many other things. This time is set aside for you to come to a safe space. Drop in anytime to talk or listen and just be with others who have experienced bereavement over a cuppa.
Our team are trained in supporting people and you can take part in ways that suit you. There is certainly no pressure to share anything you don't want too. This isn't a specifically 'religious' gathering, but if you would like prayers said for you, please let us know.

2nd Sunday Special: Morning Praise

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Fakenham: St Peter & St Paul
Upper Market Place Fakenham Norwich, NR21 9DY, United Kingdom

A service of the word, based on a different theme each month. In May, we talked about our vocations and hw God works in our lives. It's relaxed and we encourage audience participation, though there is no pressure to do anything at all.
We sing songs, pray and enjoy our time together.
There are refreshments afterwards. This is a good service if you are new to church, curious and exploring your way.

Choral Evensong

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
Fakenham: St Peter & St Paul
Upper Market Place Fakenham Norwich, NR21 9DY, United Kingdom

A sung service of Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer. Our robed choir chant the psalms in the ancient traditions of the church. There are usually 4 hymns for the congregation to join in with.