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Getting here
We are St Annes Parish Church in the town of St Annes-on-Sea. The church was founded due to the generosity of Lady Eleanor Clifton as a chapel of ease in the Parish of Lytham, St Cuthbert, and the building was consecrated in 1873. As the town developed, it too was named “St Annes” after the church, which became an independent parish in 1877. Since that time this church has continued to serve the parish and community in the name of Christ. We welcome anyone who wishes to join us. Our congregation is made up of people of all ages, from all walks of life, from a variety of church backgrounds, and many come with no church background at all. We seek in our services and activities to provide something for everyone, and to provide for a broad spectrum of spirituality. Our worship is focussed on the Eucharist, which is celebrated daily in our church. We welcome children and families to all of our church services and activities.
St Annes Rd East
St Annes-on-Sea
Lytham Saint Annes
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