Parish Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Barnabas
Calton Road Thwaites Brow Keighley, BD21 4UR, United Kingdom

This is our parish communion service using Common Worship with hymns, some newer songs and bible teaching. Join us for refreshments after the service.

St Barnabas

Join us every Sunday in Thrwaits Brow.

Every 1st Wednesday of the month we have an After School Messy Church. This includes crafts, action songs, a Bible story and is followed by a picnic tea. Our next Messy Church is on Wednesday 7th February at 3:15pm.

Get in touch

Rev Alastair Kirk

8-10 North Street

BD21 3SE
Rev. Alastair Kirk
07725 991073
Parish Office

Our website

What's on

Parish Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Barnabas
Calton Road Thwaites Brow Keighley, BD21 4UR, United Kingdom

This is our parish communion service using Common Worship with hymns, some newer songs and bible teaching. Join us for refreshments after the service.